Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The 2 stars of my 365.
 This project went from joy and something fun to do,
 to a task I would dread every day,
 taught me to bring my camera everywhere,
made me realise you had to go out & make you're own fun,
and that beauty hides everywhere you just have to find it.
I'm so so glad I did 365 this year, without it I would have forgotten the raw emotion that went into each of those photos, there was alot going on behind the scenes but I can remember from each of those photos, even the ones that looked so boring, where it was taken, whether there was tears running from my eyes or a smile creeping across my face and in alot of them...both.
In a way 365 is part of me and I don't think I can stop. I don't think I want so many photos of Eli on the net so I might just do a private blog, contact me if you want to follow it but I know his journey is just beginning and  I definitely want to document it the best I can for him.
Thank you all for supporting me throughout this and I hope you enjoyed a look into my life through photos x

That's a wrap.....

Monday, December 27, 2010


A divil to get it into him but try and take it off him after! I decided in my infinite wisdom to hit the sales today as I had some vouchers. Hmmm Next do lovely baby clothes so ran out the door without breakfast and told D I'd be back in half an hour. So... 2 1/2 hours later and I'm still waiting in line *headbang
It was all because I picked this outfit up and I couldn't put it down and then I found little jeans to fit his diddy legs so then I had a handful but it really doesn't justify waiting 2 1/2 hours, you wouldn't see a man waiting that long for their babies clothes!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


All packed up and ready to go home from Nanny's house, when will he get to wear the costume again so may as well use it!We thought for ages it was too small for him and even tried to bring it back but when I actually put it on him his chins were pushed out the top and all the fur kept tickling him and making him smile! I think it looks like he is driving a white knuckle ride in this photo and it just makes me laugh!


We still haven't got a decent family photo that we haven't taken ourselves! Our first Christmas as a family, Eli's smile is from the fur tickling his face although I've noticed if I talk to him in his sleep he smiles when he hears my voice!Merry Christmas Everyone!!


Eli's first Christmas eve, not that he knew but I'm sure no one will forget it with temperatures dropping to -16 being snowed in, no power, a burst pipe and no heating! Hope he doesn't get too much sleep so he stays awake for Santie